As communicated in our school's last Phone Cast of the school year, some important PTO reminders.
Five Below Fundraiser: Shop Five Below at 45592 Michigan Avenue, Canton MI (Next to Kroger & Home Depot) to raise funds for our school. 10% of the purchase will be donated to PTO. Mention to the cashier that you are supporting Keystone Academy with your purchase. They will then record your total. The event will last until Friday, June 11.
1st Day School Supplies: PTO wanted to bring a little convenience to the start of the 2021-2022 school year (this is not a fundraiser). Purchase your child's school supplies kit with 1st Day School Supplies. Have peace of mind checking off school supplies on your to do list, before the school year even begins. Select the link to make your purchase today;
2020-2021 Yearbook: It's not too late! You can still place your order and have your yearbook sent to your home (shipping fee will apply). Two customizable pages are included with your purchase. Please visit this Tree Ring/Keystone link: